Swim League 1
Swim Suit: One piece for girls. It is preferred for boys to swim in jammers, not recreational type trunks.
Swim Cap: Swimmers with long hair will have a more successful experience if they wear a swim cap. Caps are available for purchase. If they don't want to wear a cap then they can put their hair in a pony tail.
Kick board: Swimmers use kick boards frequently during practice. We have kick boards available for the swimmers to use, but they are welcome to bring their own.
Swim League 2
Swim Suit: One piece for girls. It is preffered for boys to swim in jammers, not recreational type trunks.
Swim Cap: Swimmers with long hair will have a more successful experience if they wear a swim cap. Caps are available for purchase.
Kick board: Swimmers use kick boards frequently during practice. We have kick boards available for the swimmers to use, but they are welcome to bring their own.
Fins: Tritan long fins (These are required for all swimmers to have. We do not have enough to supply everyone)
Swim League 3
Swim Suit: One piece for girls. It is preferred for boys to swim in jammers, not recreational type trunks.
Swim Cap: Swimmers with long hair will have a more successful experience if they wear a swim cap. Caps are available for purchase.
Kick board: Swimmers use kick boards frequently during practice. We have kick boards available for the swimmers to use, but they are welcome to bring their own.
Fins: Tritan long fins (These are required for all swimmers to have. We do not have enough to supply everyone)