We are looking forward to teaching your child the important life skill of swimming, as well as helping them progress through our program. Whether they are interested in eventually becoming a member of our competitive swimming or would like to continue swimming as a form of physical fitness in our Swim League program.
Group Classes will begin the week after school gets out
Learn to Swim Level Descriptions
2024 Learn to Swim PRESCHOOL CLASSES
AGES 3-4
Learn to Swim Level
Skills to Introduce
Skills to Develop
Skills needed to Master to Move up
Bronze Guppy: Comfort in the water.
Recover to wall and exit pool from a float
Turtle float
Getting in and out of the pool safely
Face in the water
Head underwater
Blowing bubbles (mouth and nose)
Hold breath underwater
Front float assisted
Back float assisted
Kick on front with assistance
Kick on back with assistance
Getting in and out of the pool safely
Comfort in the water
Blowing bubbles with face in the water
Front float assisted
Back float assisted
Silver Guppy: Floating, Kicking Recovering to the wall
Ready position and proper pushoff (sink, touch, push)
Traveling bobs
Single arm strokes with side breath- assisted
Jump in water feet first from side and back float, then recover to wall and exit pool safely (only once recover to wall from 3-5 feet is mastered)
Bobs (Up 1 breath, down air out)
Front float unassisted
Back float unassisted
Kick on front unassisted
Kick on back unassisted
Recover to wall unassisted 3-5 feet
Streamline front glide off wall
Streamline front glide with kick
Streamline back glide off wall
Streamline back glide with kick
Turtle float assisted
Front float unassisted
Back float unassisted
From 3-5 feet, Back float then recover to wall and exit pool safely unassisted
Kick on front and kick on back unassisted
Streamline front and back glide unassisted
Gold Guppy: Unassisted Swimming
Continuous freestyle arms on top of water w/side breath
Continuous backstroke arms on top of water
Transition from streamline front glide with kick to 1 arm kick on side (both sides)
Single arm strokes with side breath
Single arm strokes on back
Ready position (sink, tough and push)
Proper streamline during push off
Turtle float unassisted
Freestyle arms to the wall 10 feet unassisted
Streamline kick 10 feet on front unassisted
Streamline kick 10 feet on back unassisted
Jump into pool and recover to wall unassisted.
Turtle float unassisted
2024 Learn to Swim SCHOOL AGE CLASSES
Learn to Swim Level
Skills to Introduce
Skills to Develop
Skills needed to Master to move up
Yellow Starfish: Comfort in the water and floating.
Ready position
Traveling bobs
Recover to wall 3-5 ft.
Water safety tips
Comfort in the water
Safely enter (feet first slide in) and exit (elbow, elbow, knee, knee) the pool from the side
Blowing bubbles (nose & mouth)
Bobs (Up 1 breath, down air out)
Front float
Back float
Turtle float
Front kick return to wall from front/back float (assisted)
Back kick return to wall (assisted)
Recover to wall assisted
10 bobs
Front float unassisted
Back float unassisted
Turtle float unassisted
Front kick assisted
Back kick assisted
Safely enter and exit the pool unassisted
Pink Jellyfish:
Kicks & Glides
12 kick switch drill w/side breath
Side breathing
Dolphin dives
Transition from streamline front glide with kick to 1 arm kick on side
Traveling Bobs
Kick to wall 10 ft unassisted front & back
Bubbles while moving
Ready position and proper pushoff w/streamline
Streamline front glide off wall (SL focus)
Streamline front glide with kick
Streamline back glide off wall (SL/BP focus)
Streamline back glide with kick
Jump in feet first and recover to wall unassisted
Kick 12 counts on front/roll over & kick 12 counts on back
Kicks on side in breathing position
Kicks on side in swimming position w/breath
Streamline front glide with kick-15 feet
Streamline back glide with kick-15 feet
Ready position, proper push off, streamline glide on front
Jump in pool feet first and recover to wall unassisted
Kick 12 counts on front/roll over & kick 12 counts on back
Orange Clownfish:
Using Arms & Side Breathing
Somersaults-bubbles out nose
Head lead dolphin kicks on top of water
12 Kick switch w/side breath
Side breathing
Ready position/proper push off/streamline on front and back
Bubbles while moving
Transition from streamline front glide w/kick to 1 arm kick on side using both breathing position and swimming position Continuous freestyle arm stroke
Continuous backstroke arm stroke
Continuous freestyle arms with kick and side breaths for ½ pool length
Continuous backstroke arms with kick for ½ pool length
Ready position/proper push off/streamline on front and back w/proper body position
Consistent side breathing
Green Swordfish:
Technique & Distance
Simultaneous butterfly arms
Breaststroke kick
Freestyle for distance with side breathing on both sides- length of pool
Backstroke for distance with proper body position- length of pool
Backstroke count from flags to wall
Head lead dolphin kicks on top of water
Body position dolphin kicks on top of water
RP/PO/SL add dolphin kicks
From RP/PO/SL/DK swims continuous freestyle with side breathing for 1 length of pool
From RP/PO/SL/DK swims continuous backstroke for 1 length of pool finishing to wall using stroke count, not looking for the wall
Body position dolphin kicks on top of water for 1 length of pool
Somersaults (forward)
Purple Kingfish:
All Four Strokes, Distance & Swimming terms/skills
Breaststroke pullouts
Clock skills
Swimming terms
IM swim
Basic interval training
Circle swimming
Basic swimming etiquette
Continuous freestyle
Continuous backstroke
Combining simultaneous butterfly arms with dolphin kick
Breaststroke kick in body position and on board
Breaststroke arms
Combining simultaneous breaststroke arms and kick
RP/PO/SL/DK/1 stroke freestyle
RP/PO/SL/DK for backstroke
Flip turns
Open (RP) turns
Continuous freestyle with side breathing for 2 lengths of pool (from RP/PO/SL/DK, and SL/DK off second wall)
Continuous backstroke for 2 lengths of pool (from RP/PO/SL/DK, and SL/DK off second wall)
Combining simultaneous butterfly arms with dolphin kick for 1 length of pool
Combining breaststroke kick with breaststroke arms for 1 length of pool
Flip turns
Open (RP) turns
In a Nutshell:
Hesitant or anxious and unable to put their face in the water- Yellow Starfish
Comfortably goes underwater, is able to float on front and back unassisted- Pink Jellyfish
Can push off the wall and swim a few strokes or kick freestyle and backstroke - Orange Clownfish
Can swim past flags freestyle and backstroke, but cannot make whole 25- Green Swordfish
Can swim 25 yards freestyle and backstroke- Purple Kingfish